How To Remove Unsightly Swirls From Your Vehicle’s Exterior Paint


If you have a car or truck, you’ve most likely noticed swirls of smudges and light surface scratching at some point in your vehicle’s paint. These swirls are not only unsightly but are also damaging when left unattended. Addressing automobile paint swirls quickly and with the proper technique can keep your vehicle’s paint looking its best for years to come.

How To Remove Unsightly Swirls From Your Vehicle’s Exterior Paint.jpg

Choosing A Paint Cleaner Or Polisher

Most paint cleaners, or polishes, come in different abrasive levels, including non-abrasive ones. Paint cleaners tend to use chemicals to clean, where polishes use abrasives to polish. If you choose to use a high abrasive polish to remediate the swirls in your vehicle’s paint, you will need to rub the polish in a consistent direction to keep the scratches in the same order.

A non-abrasive product will not create any scratches into the paint’s finish and therefore can be applied with less concern of consistency. Professional auto detailers recommend that you always start with the least abrasive cleaner when attempting to remove swirls from the paint and work up the levels if needed to clear the unwanted swirls. Beginning with the most abrasive product can cause more damage than good.

Best Technique When Polishing

Polishing your vehicle’s paint is what removes the swirls. It is important to note that it is much more effective and faster to use a polishing machine vs doing it by hand. The best technique to use when polishing your car’s exterior paint is to start with the least aggressive product and always do a small test spot first to check effectiveness. If you use a reasonably abrasive polish such as a compound, you will need to use a less abrasive, like a polish, afterward to remove the hazing that the more abrasive product leaves behind.

Avoid Heavy Abrasion Hazing

A polish should leave your car’s paint smooth to the touch with a deep shine. If you started with a compound and notice that there is a haze on the paint then you will need to follow up with a finish polish to further refine the paint. This is why it is recommended to start with light abrasives and work up only if necessary. It is always recommended to use a clean and plush microfiber towel to gently remove the polish.

Polishing And Waxing

To keep your vehicle looking great you should only polish your automobile when needed, after all there is only a thin layer of clear coat on the paint that never comes back. Apply the polish before you wax your car to restore the paint’s clarity, depth, and reflectivity before applying the wax.

These tips for removing swirls on your car’s exterior paint are intended for someone somewhat experienced with detailing work. If you are not comfortable with using a machine to polish your car or just afraid to mess up the paint, it is best to use an experienced professional auto detailer to ensure the safety of your vehicle’s paint.